Vital Beat

Soulful Yin
with Axel

May 10 (Tuesday)
at 6:45 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Yoga Room

The perfect complimentary practice to our dynamic classes, in fact the perfect complement to ANY dynamic training/workout program, Yin yoga involves slow paced, longer stretches, that reach into the deep connective tissue of the ligaments and fascia, not just the muscles. Poses are taken on the floor with an array of props to support you, and each posture is held in a semi-relaxed state for 3-5 minutes.

All our Yin classes are run by fairylight for that deep chillout factor.

With neosoul, jazz, acoustic covers, instrumental, and radiant atmospheric tunes, Soul Train Yin is a gorgeous escape to an island of yoga within a sea of music.

Class is All Levels, but especially lovely for beginners. 

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